Cinema Bizarre Switzerland
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Cinema Bizarre Switzerland

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 [Archives] Blogs de Luminor

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14 participants
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Responsable Presse

Nombre de messages : 911
Age : 43
Localisation : planète plupart du temps dans le grand nord de la France !!!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyMer 3 Sep - 22:50

Crying or Very sadCrying or Very sadCrying or Very sadCrying or Very sad Je suis triste qu'il parte encore une fois...Crying or Very sadCrying or Very sadCrying or Very sadCrying or Very sad
J'espère qu'il reviendra en super forme comme il le dit !!!!
LUMI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you I love youI love youI love youI love you
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Nombre de messages : 129
Age : 55
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyMer 3 Sep - 23:02

Oh !!!!!!!

Trop triste

Tout plein de bonnes pensées et de courage pour lui I love you I love you I love you
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Nombre de messages : 2071
Age : 39
Localisation : Avec Yu en train de... mmmhh... déconner !!!
Humeur : Totalement perverse....
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 4 Sep - 11:10

Je suis vraiment triste qu'il doive de nouveau partir... mais si c'est pour son bien... il peut le faire des milliers de fois si nécessaire...

J'espère vraiment qu'il nous revienne en pleine forme et en bonne santé....

De toute manière, quoi qu'il fasse... on l'aimera toujours !!
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Nombre de messages : 2071
Age : 39
Localisation : Avec Yu en train de... mmmhh... déconner !!!
Humeur : Totalement perverse....
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: [Blog] Luminor - 27 novembre 2008   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 27 Nov - 23:13


My dear fans,

I am sorry for having no other choice then to carry out my duty I have towards you.
As you might started to imagine and guess my personal conditions couldn't have been recovered fast enough and good enough.

Please believe me that everything possible was done for me to come back in health and better conditions, but the time did not last, to come back as a complete support for the band.

Please try to find understanding that I have decided that I have no other choice then to declaim all the honours and titles you wanted to give to me.

This makes me sad, but some things can't be like I want them to be .

I will always be in your mind in the way I wanted to be for you ...And I will stay with you .

But I can't stay any longer as a part of Cinema Bizarre.

Which means that I will leave the band from now on.

Let me simply go on as the one I have been for you.

I wish the band luck on their way.

Keep me in your hearts.

Your Moonlight.



Au revoir

Mes chers fans,

Je suis désolé de n’avoir pas d’autre choix que de reporter mon devoir que j’ai envers vous.
Comme vous avez commencé à l’imaginer et le deviner, mes conditions personnelles n’ont pas pu être retrouvées assez vite et assez bien.

S’il vous plaît, croyez-moi que tout ce qui était possible a été fait pour moi, de revenir en pleine santé et dans les meilleures conditions, mais le temps n’est pas venu de revenir comme un soutien complet pour le groupe.

S’il vous plaît, essayez de comprendre que j’ai décidé cela car je n’avais aucun autre choix, c’est pourquoi je décline tous les honneurs et les titres que vous voulez me donner.

Ca me rend triste mais certaines choses ne peuvent pas être telles que je les aimerais.

Je serai toujours dans vos pensées, là où je j’aimerais être pour vous… et je resterai toujours avec vous.

Mais je ne peux rester plus longtemps une partie de Cinema Bizarre.

Ce qui signifie que je quitte le groupe à partir de maintenant.

Laissez-moi simplement partir comme celui que j’ai toujours été pour vous.

Je souhaite plein de chance pour l’avenir du groupe.

Gardez-moi dans votre cœur.

Votre Moonlight


Trad by Thorn pour
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Nombre de messages : 241
Age : 31
Localisation : Sur le topic de Kiro !!!!! * bave *
Humeur : =) !
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 27 Nov - 23:23

T'inquiètes on a compris ....
De toute façon on parle pratiquement tous anglais !
Et puis Luminor il fera toujours parti du groupe même s'il n'est plus là et il restera à jamais dans nos coeurs <3 !
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Nombre de messages : 36
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 27 Nov - 23:24

je suis deg de son départ
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Responsable Presse

Nombre de messages : 911
Age : 43
Localisation : planète plupart du temps dans le grand nord de la France !!!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 27 Nov - 23:26

No comment
Faudrais que j'arrive à m'arrêter de pleurer d'abord
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Nombre de messages : 2071
Age : 39
Localisation : Avec Yu en train de... mmmhh... déconner !!!
Humeur : Totalement perverse....
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 27 Nov - 23:39

Vous imaginez pas comme c'est dur... je l'ai vu en concert, je lui ai parlé... il m'a sourit....
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Nombre de messages : 547
Age : 36
Localisation : Avec Strify ou Romeo... en train de...jouer...
Humeur : Trop perverse xDD mais faut pas dire
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 27 Nov - 23:52

Pareil que Thorn.... et j'arrête pas de pleurer.

J'ai trop mal, alors que je devrais plutot juste respecter sa décision... chui vraiment.... bref....
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Nombre de messages : 36
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyVen 28 Nov - 0:37

je comprends votre réaction moi aussi j'ai eu l'occasion de le rencontré, de lui parlé de le voir dans des emssions, là ça fait comme un grand vide, j'en suis au bords des larmes
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Nombre de messages : 214
Age : 39
Localisation : entrain de dormir au bureau
Humeur : Va enchainer les concerts cet automne!!!
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyVen 28 Nov - 12:54

Je suis au boulot et j'ai des larmes qui coulent.
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Nombre de messages : 1
Localisation : Slovakia
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyVen 28 Nov - 19:52

x( x( x(
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Responsable Presse

Nombre de messages : 911
Age : 43
Localisation : planète plupart du temps dans le grand nord de la France !!!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: [Blog] Luminor - 06 Décembre 2008   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptySam 6 Déc - 22:42

Luminor où l'art de poster 12 blogs en 9 minutes ! -_-'

textes en anglais :

Nothing at all


.. ..

Nothing at all

And yes i should be really you...
In this straightjacket..and not in
This bondage that holds your body..
It cages in all of

I always fighted...and bleeded for all.
And what is finally
reached..? all.

Caus the only answer stays the madness...
And the eternal safing is the
How strong i am called by the abyss...
I just want to let me
But my destiny is to stand.

If i wasn..t damned to be..what
ever i might be..
Then i would be a black bird.
I would simply laugh when
people say..he is just mad.
I dance on this rope..and the fear makes me
Caus when i look down i face the

I walk
on tripping with restless searching steps..
But i always end infront of
Nothing..nothing at all.

Maybe i would only brake free by the true
But for pure madness...i miss the strength.
So i am the strong
on ...i act as i do..
As if all that is left would be more..

Then an
error..just pain..and betray.

Would be

For you?

(translation of Nichts, nichts , gar nichts , from the musical elisabeth)


A conversation from the nowhere

A conversation form the nowhere

I can feel your charming closeness...
Appear..and show
your self.
Caus i can guess who you are realted soul.
And I am
awaiting you...titania
Come to not disapoint me as well.
come and
dictate me....some more ...last words.
I have my feather and my book right
to write theme down...

a voice: "i dont know a

-Who is once dream ..i know you.
Dreaming , writing down
my feelings..
Riding free there in the wind...
And i once wanted to that .

"Why do you speak wit the dead ones?"

- What else
could i speak to mortals any longer...

"You are are
bitter..and alone..."

-They finally made me what they wanted me to

"For making your self a did not have to break

-I am sick..and simply tired.

"everyone must at least become happy at last!"

-But i would be a liar..

"YOU have
never given up...NEVER!"

- Maybe just because i had not known enough
about the humans?

"You wanted to live.....without borders..without any

-This is true...
Living free like a proud black bird
the wind..beneath my wings....
But is too late.
Now i am made from

And i will never be....the way...i should.

from "WIe du ".)


Tear of silence

Tear of silence

I am standing here ...
Remembering how it..s been.
So many years ago been beyond all sin.
I layed on the ground of my self.
Being my
companion promised safety and warmth.

I hear theme asking how coud all this have been?
Wasn..t this one made for
getting up and win?
Where was the moment as it happend the first
Where all died...that i called mine?

And of all that i had reached..
From this time on..
Was nothing left at
I watched the people live..and tell their storys
Of things
never known.
My wings brought me high and higher
But i could not see in
which way lays sense.
I talked so many words...unspoken ..and
And all that is left by now is the voiceless and staring
Of something that i could never reach.

I sweared i..d pay the
price what ever it will be..
but i never knew its grade.
I was longing for
all ...but it was useless.
Caus my hungring...never ends.

And when all the words I have written .
And all the words I have
Are thrown away in the desert of time.
There will be nothing left
..but the great experience..
Of the silence frozen tear.
Left will only be
the weaping..
Of an unheard and so long gone..
tear of silence.

There was this soul..someone who..s really known.
Loving me and
undesrtanding..was his doom.
With his hope..s blood i wrote silent
on my pale, white,cold skin.

And the one real hope it
once knocked on my door.
In this eyes there was the spell of an unending
And that this pureness could not melt my tear.
i can..t forgive me

And i am able to build unique.
Just for see theme
breaking down.
My body can be flame.
My soul can be ice.
But my heart
it stays a thorn.

And the more of way are opened.
the more i..m
loosing strenght in my feet.
I was a devil but i longed for angel..s
But i heard nothing more then whispers of a memory..
that i never

They all listen to this worlds unending crys:
They all listen
to their lies.
They all trust in their wild sadness.
But the silence never

And i saw faith in all of their minds.
the faith in love and life.
invited me to join their boat of hope.
Wanted me follow this
And i walked all this ways.
I passed every storm.

I fought .And I prayed.
And i ate..and i hungered.
I loved so unbroken

and i did it all..
With my serching heart.

But the only
power..that finally stays.
Is this horrible...unendable...
Destroying and
Caring and leaving..
And undevitable..
Silence of a

And to all of you who follow
On this ways that already long are done
can tell even before you are trying to speak:
The only thing you will here
finally reach..
Is the frozen silent..



My life made from stone.
This heart..layed down in clear.
A escape..
Through worlds cold like ice.
stay there forever.
In the fog..of black naked eternity.

What i once had thought of..i would never loose.
Had finally get
The gift ..of emotions and longings of mine.
Is buried in shields
Made from strongest pain.

Why is the one thing..i can feel anymore..
If my soul respects..

Made from the iron of wounding hard knifes.
Going through my body that
once was the life.
The dark and cold blood it ran...
Through unnamed far

No matter how often he might can appear.
As soon as it is here..with me by
my side.

I am loosing.
I am falling.
And gone is the strength.

So finally
passes the dying cold breath
Of faiding roses...
And of long gone
This heart...

It is bleeding.

Can there be a heart bleeding..
that was made
from stone..?
It can.
The clearest..the purest.
Of all humans
The purest ..the lightest..
and free choosen pain.
through me..
and carrys my soul now to far.

So be it my sence.
hope and my longing..
that i..m totally stone..
i ..m nothing but
So let my soul become..
Like his face so cleaned...
Love.From the pain.
And from all human life.

As a sculpture like she is..
Stranded on the wide..
Darkblue deep

Then i..ll look through eyes..
that are made from marmor.
that will never touch me again..
A soul made from
it won..t feel a thing.

So be it my wish..
To stand there
in stone.
For eternal time.

Much too cold..for human fadings.

Forever freed..

From Humans.
From Life.

From pain.


Between dream and reality

Between dream and reality
Kategorie: Schreiben
und Poesie

I want build walls around me...
And want to get free.
I am searching
for loneliness.
And don..t want to be alone...

I want light around myself..
and stay in darkness.
Heavy is my
But weightless my soul.

I live in the nomansland of dream and
I stand somewhere at the border of darkness and the light.
I had
been to late born..
I ..m getting lost inside this world.
Between truth
and reality.

I want to be like a flame..
And am like the
I want to be a cloud..
And am a dark, deep sea.
I search for
And want the risk.
Voiceless is my mouth...
but my
silence speaks to theme..
Who can understand?

I want to be the hope..
And no more see a way out.
I want the truth
and keep on acting the strength.
I should be never born.
My soul
gets lost inside this world.
Between longing and truth.

Free and proud
like a black gull..
High above the sea.
I am flying alone..
towards the

I should be never born..
My soul gets lost inside this world.
dream and life.

Free and proud like a black gull..
High above the sea.
i am flying

Through reality and dream.

(translation from "zwischen Traum und wirklichkeit" by michael kunze und
sylvester levay
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Responsable Presse

Nombre de messages : 911
Age : 43
Localisation : planète plupart du temps dans le grand nord de la France !!!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptySam 6 Déc - 22:46

My black burned wing

My black burned wing

They burned my picture long ago.
And i see the truth..through my empty
Fallen from every grace.
And damned.
No one cares.
And so I
In this endless, unnamed place.
That no one knows.

Bleeding from my soul..s gone rose.

And all that is left now.
is my one..unburned black wing.
It raises to
heaven..that my home once had been.
And i speak by what..s left now.
My will once grow.
Though i..m now out of all hope.

Devieted by hopeless fight:
I am walking now through this world.
black fether in my hand.
Far from life.
But there is this
light.And no one had ever seen.
That it burns inside.
That it had always
burned..full of pride.

And all that is left now.
is my one..unburned black wing.
It raises to
heaven..that my home once had been.
And i speak by what..s left now.
My will once grow.
Though i..m now out of all hope.

I see the pictures.
From all that..s been.
See my whole life..
would it bring?
They gave me names
in so diffrent ways.
They burned my
Or made theme their grace.
Shy and so weak.
Sad , full of
Wild and so strong..
Alone but adored.

I lost my name..for so many times.
I already so many minds.

And my left black burned wing.
It searchs for it..s last strength.
passes all barriers.
Alone.Just by its will.
And although i don..t know
Where it will guide me now.
No one may burn it again.

And i fly through the shadows..
Of my lonely free flight.
storms and my nights.
In death ..and in in this life.
The light on the
it may guide me home.
Though i don..t know where it

Though i Don..t know...where it ends.


I walked on

I heard..the call of life.
Being free..with what i am.
Dream.Just a
dream...I thought many times.
But they gave me the strength..
To follow
this path of mine.

And i got walk this way.
Far from
undestanding.And far from men.
I got up..and the light was shining.
For an
unsure space..of what i am.

Souls joined...and more passed by.
glew...and it..s leave fell.
What kind of place..would once be mine?
understanding look..would once for me shine?

And i walked then on this
unsure road.
For my realitys.For my hope.
I went on to see what..s my
heart..s own space.
Never knowing..if i t might will burn in flames.

Times came..when no one saw anymore
The flight and path,..i followed
But still been there...and no more asked.
For i had this
This light...burned by my self.

Caus i got up to walk straight
this way.
Far from safety. But full of cries.
I walked on ..though my soul
got tired with time.
For my lonelines..

And i walk.No
matter if i..m strong or weak.
And i see the time. And hear my prayer.
walk on ..till my heart will find it..s end.
For my reality...
For what i


I had to be free

I still see it in my mind how it..s been.
As i started my lonely
Through the lights of this dark night.
As i left all behind what
i freedom once had called.
As I flew then in stranger..s world..

Simply to be free...heavenly free.
It is all that i wanted...
To be for
my self...To be far from pain.
When ever I needed.
I had to get get free..
From all of the voices...
That said " stay on skys you won..t be...

My wings they carried far as i once had hoped.
And i got
untouchable.Like a stars..that..s near but far
Lost all that..s
human-like..alone this dream was meant to see...
And i understood

I had to be free...had to be free...
That..s what i once wanted.
wanted to be free from this tears..
..This feelings that hurted....
wanted to search..what..s beyond my night..
So far way from bidden...
a gull in the wonderfull light..

And as i returned as what i..m now...
They liked to watch me own
sphere.. sparkling light...
But only some were left how had been
able than to see...
this feeling heart that still beats in me.

Simply to be free..So easily free.
Was what I Once wanted..
..Find home
for my self.To be all I am..
When ever i needed....
I Had to get
free...finally been gone...
From all that done once...

So i fly in skys..have left all that..s been.



I dreamed a dream

There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.
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Responsable Presse

Nombre de messages : 911
Age : 43
Localisation : planète plupart du temps dans le grand nord de la France !!!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptySam 6 Déc - 22:51

textes en Allemand :

Mein Traum

Mein Traum

Viele Menschen und Träume hab ich nun gekannt.
Mit den Stimmen so
Mit den Worten ..umschmeichelnd.
Einst habe ich lichterloh
gebrannt .
Und diese Welt war mein lied.
Und das Lied war die
Doch ab einem Tag ....lief alles ..schief.

Ich hatte einen Traum ...Schon lang vorbei.
Ein Traum.Voll Hoffung auf das
Leben .
Eine Liebe..die nicht sterben soll.
Ein Gott...der alles kann
vergeben .

Da war ich jung ...und unbefleckt.
Noch nicht von
Wirklichkeit ...durchdrungen .
Ich habe ihren Wein probiert ...
Ich habe
dieses Lied gesungen .

Doch die Tiger dunkler Nacht ...
Wittern alle
Deine Wunden ..
Sie zerfleischen dieses Herz.
Machen deinen Traum zur

Einen Sommer ..hab ich ihn geliebt .
Und das war das größte..aller
Der Traum wars, der dort bei mir schlief .
Es wurde herbst als
meine unschuld ging .

Und in diesem Traum ..halten sie ihr Wort.
möcht ich ihm noch alles geben ...
Doch nicht jeder Traum wird dir
Nicht jeden Sturm kannst du überleben .

In diesem Traum war
mein leben soviel mehr ...
Als die Hölle , die ich verdammt bin nun zu leben
War ich so falsch ..war ich nie genug?

Das Leben hat meinen traum
ermordet .


Stein Teil Eins

Stein - Erster Teil
Kategorie: Schreiben und

Mein leben aus stein.
Ein herz.Gebettet in Mamor.
Zu rein..
laufen.Ein fliehen.
Durch eiskalte Welten.
Gestorben.Erstarrt.Auf ewig
Im Nebel.Urgrauer ewigkeit.

Was ich einstmals
glaubte.Niemals zu verlieren..
Ist nun verloren.
Die Gabe; zu fühlen.Zu
Zu frei.
Erstarrt nun in Ketten.
Den stärksten von

Weshalb ist nur alles; was ich noch empfind.
Lässt mein Sein es
Der Schmerz.

So eisig wie seine Klinge.
Durchbohrend mein
Das schwarze Blut zerrann.
Durch ewige zeit.

Kommt er auch
nur selten,
doch ist er dann da...

Verlier ich.Dann fall
Vergeht aller schutz.

So streift der einzige..sterbende Hauch.
Verwesender Liebe.
Mein herz.

Und es blutet.

Kann bluten ein Herz..
von marmornem Stein?

Es blutet schon

.Das reinste..vollkommenste blut.
Der klarste..der
freiwillige Schmerz.
Durchbricht mich.
Und treibt
jene Seele so fern.

So sei es mein Sinn.Mein Hoffen.
Ich bin ganz aus stein.
Vollkommenem Stein.
Drum werd meine
seele wie sein Bild so rein..
Von Liebe. Von Schmerz..und

Als Statue wie sie.Gestrandet am
....tiefblauem meer.

Blick ich aus steinernen augen;

auf leben,

der mich nie mehr berührt.

Eine seele von Marmor.Kein einziges

So sei es mein Wunsch.
Zu stehen.Von stein.
Auf ewige

Zu kalt..für weltliches Schwinden.

Auf Immer.
Menschen .

Den schmerzen..



Dies Leben ist mein

Ich will nicht gehorsam.Gezähmt.Einfach passend sein.
Ich will nicht von
jedem geliebt..und doch verlassen sein.
Ich war niemals IHrs ..nein.Ich bin
Dies ist mein.

Auf das Eis wollt ichs wagen.Und selbst sehn ab wann es taut.
Auf dem Seil
will ich tanzen.
Gefahr ließ mich immer kalt.
Kein risiko zwang mich je
ganz in die Knie.
Und mich besitzt man nie.

Du kannst mich nichts zwang oder Drang.
Dann weich ich vor
jeglicher Pflicht.
Willst du mich bekehren.
Dann wend ich mich
Flieg wie eine Möwe ins Licht.

Ich will alles geben..Frewillig und fern Von zwang.
Wollt alles
Denn mir ist vor niemand bang.
So käpf ich..und wusste ich bin

Dies ist mein.

Ich werd mich nie "schicken".
Werd niemandes Vorbild sein.
Muss ich
denn im Blicke von jedem geachtet sein?
Ich flieh...vor der heuchelei.

Die seele...sie ist frei.

Und willst du mich finden.
Halt mich nicht zu fest.
Ich geb meine
freiheit nie her.

Und willst du mich brechen...
Verlass ich dein nest.

Flieg wie eine
Möwe ins Meer.

Ich warte auf Freunde..
Und suche Geborgenheit.
Ich teil jede
Ich teil jede Traurigkeit.
Doch verlang nie mein Leben.
kann ich dir nicht geben..

Denn ich gehör nur mir..

...Nur mir.

(inspiriert vom musical elisabeth)


Stein 2

Nach diesem wunsche...stand ich nun..
Gebunden in
Ein jener kälte befreit...die mir;
die wärme zu leben

Drang Meeresrauschen an mein herz..
Ein Blick. Ein Hören.
..Ein warten.

So stehe unverändert ich.
Seit ungenannter
Ergeben diesem zeichen..

..meiner einstgen

Die starren augen tastet nie..
der schatten der
Keiner Freude, keines schmerzes..

-die gabe ferner

Waren..s wohl jahre..waren..s stunden..?
Die spurlos mich
seitdem mein augenlicht zerbrach.
Als ich die ewigkeit mir
-nichts menschliches mehr zu verstehn..

Ein licht..auf
einmal trafs mich ungehindert..
in Todverschleiert augen.

Die ahnung
ferner erinnerung..
..durchfuhr mein steinern herz.
Was war denn nur

Denn nun ...zerflossen jene tränen.
Die ich durch jahre
wohl geweint..
Hätten sie sich je befreit..
ersinne ich mich eines
Dem meine suche einst geweiht..

Die gegenwart zu
... dieser einen seele..
-die mich erkennt...
- die mich

Die seele jenes sternenkindes..

Die ich doch niemals

Die starre bleibt.
Doch nur mein inneres vermag nicht
..Die kälte zu beleben.
Und nur mein aug vermag nicht
..das Nichts im Bild zu sehen.

Denn stehe ich auch
erstarrt und....fern des lebens.
Empfind ich nun mehr diese
Nach diesem einzgen wahren hauch..
den ich vor dir

Verspürt mein geist doch das verlangen..
in jenen arm zu

Und sei mein sein auch fern von wirklich..
spür ich doch nur
den wahren wunsch..
Dieses Leben zu umarmen..
...die seele meines einstgen

Die mir ein licht gegeben.
Die meine wahrheit konnte

Niemals zuvor..ward dies geschehen.

Die Träne

Und unbeirrbar blicke ich....

..auf dies, was nun hier
vor mir liegt.

Das Kind.Die seele. ..einst gesuchte.

Und meine
Welt zerbricht.
Und dieser springt.

Kein Fragen
... die klage jener möwe..
... getragen durch die
.......verweht im winde unsrer nacht.

Denn ich..
..ich habe
dich gesehen.
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Nombre de messages : 241
Age : 31
Localisation : Sur le topic de Kiro !!!!! * bave *
Humeur : =) !
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyDim 7 Déc - 0:42

Mais qu'est ce qu'il dit ?
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Responsable Presse

Nombre de messages : 911
Age : 43
Localisation : planète plupart du temps dans le grand nord de la France !!!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyDim 7 Déc - 0:47

-_-' bah c'est des textes et poèmes
Je compte sur toi pour traduire ceux en Allemand d'ailleurs !! XD
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Nombre de messages : 364
Age : 32
Humeur : follichonne
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: [Blog] Luminor - 20 janvier 2009   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyLun 26 Jan - 23:20

Luminor Video - Outfits will be sold soon

Dear fans .

A special surprise is waiting for you now.
I have decided not to own any longer some costumes from video clips from the time with Cinema Bizarre.
The outfit from Lovesongs they kill me
Forever and never
Are now avaiable.
These outfits are unique and a memorie from the past .But i have decided not to keep this any longer for befinning a new time in life.
Soon pictures will be uploaded here as well.
The highest bid will wind the outfit.

Please write your bid and wished outfit via mail .This is only avaiable for short time.
Great luck!
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Responsable Presse

Nombre de messages : 911
Age : 43
Localisation : planète plupart du temps dans le grand nord de la France !!!
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2008

[Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Archives] Blogs de Luminor   [Archives] Blogs de Luminor - Page 2 EmptyJeu 29 Jan - 1:10

Luminor Video – Les costumes seront vendus bientôt

Chers fans.

Une surprise spéciale vous attend maintenant.
J'ai décidé de ne plus garder quelques costumes provenants des videos clips du temps de Cinema Bizarre.
Le costume de Lovesongs they kill me
Forever and never
sont maintenant disponibles.
Ces costumes sont uniques et un souvenir du passé .Mais j'ai décidé de ne pas les garder plus longtemps pour commencer une nouvelle tranche de vie.
Bientôt des images seront téléchargées ici aussi.
L'offre la plus haute remportera le costume.

S'il vous plait écrivez votre offre et le costume souhaité par mail (Sur le Myspace de Lumi ).Ceci est seulement disponible pour un court moment.
Bonne chance!

Trad by Lilah for
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